Blue Flower

Some Background

The Australian Bowhunters Association Inc. evolved from its founding organisation, The Trophy Bowhunters of Australia, in the late 1970s following a merging of the political and practising wings of organised bowhunting in Australia. Today, the Association is recognised as the national body representing bowhunters throughout Australia and, through its Sport Division, Field Archery Australia, is recognised as the body responsible for the development of the sport of field archery at all levels.

The Australian Bowhunters Association Inc. is affiliated with the International Field Archery Association (IFAA). It is through the organisation of the Association that bowhunting legislation is sponsored, competition ranges are standardised, consistent rules of the games are established, news and information is disseminated, and all phases of the Sport are co-ordinated.

The ABA Inc. stages field archery competition in the national games of field and 3D field archery, and the International games, from inter-club, Branch, State and National levels. ABA Inc also regulates bowhunting activities by members through a uniform Code of Ethics, Rules of Fair Chase, and a National Bowhunter Education Programme, maintaining the Australian Record Book of Bow-Shot Game.


Organisationally, the ABA Inc. is a National Association of members. Management of the Association is by elective representation of the Westminster System to The National Management Committee (the Policy Body), and The National Executive Committee. The National Management Committee comprises the Executive Committee and elected representatives of ten association Branches. Each Branch is under the direction and supervision of a Branch Management Committee comprising elected Branch Officers and a representative from each "affiliated" Club in the Branch.

Each Branch conducts and sponsors various competitions as well as working on improvements in bowhunting policies within their Branch. All policies are co-ordinated through ABA Inc. when its National Management Committee conducts a physical meeting of the Association, in October each year, to review its on-going Development Plan, to determine future Policy and Rules and to provide leadership and direction for the Association.

Some Background

Through its trading arm, Artemis Productions, the Association publishes the oldest bowhunting/archery magazine in Australia, ( originally named "The Australian Bowhunter") which is the official information medium for members. Now named "Archery Action with Outdoor Connections" the magazine is distributed to members as a part of membership, and also to the public at large through Australia wide newsagents. Members and public contributions are welcomed by the magazine and a writer's fee is payable for submitted hunting or archery related stories. The magazine also provides an opportunity for Clubs to publish articles, free of charge, under the "Club Scene" column.

A Club Accreditation programme, by which Clubs meeting particular requirements in terms of a Club's standard of organisation, operation and facilities, is in operation. The accreditation process identifies those Clubs capable of being a host Club for competition, as well as the level of competition, enables a Club to identify its future goals, and also provides a measure to assist in the determination of Clubs to be supported by available funding loans or grants.

Through the ABA Inc. Shop, Association members are able to purchase many items which support participation in field archery and bowhunting. Bowhunter Education and Field Archery Coaching Manuals and other training publications, Rule Books, Field Archery and Bowhunting achievement badges and awards, T-Shirts, Videos are available.

The Backbone

The backbone of organised archery and bowhunting in Australia is the local Club. There are approximately 100 affiliated Clubs throughout Australia. Clubs conduct all field archery and bowhunting activities on the local level, and sponsor a variety of Club activities including Club Championship events.

Organisation is vital to our Sport. The individual member is vital to our Organisation. Support your field archery and bowhunting Clubs for it is through them and because of them that it is possible for you as a Club or an individual to enjoy the wonderful, exciting world of field archery and bowhunting, and to ensure the future of both.